Clickn'Putt Privacy Policy
Clickn'Putt will not share, sell, or give away any information regarding their members including but not limited to their name, email address, and other private information.
Clickn'Putt reserves the right to use member email addresses for the purpose of periodically sending out information relevant to any and all aspects of Clickn'Putt membership.
Clickn'Putt may require the use of cookies to store login session information.
Clickn'Putt merely serves as a directory of other websites and is therefore not responsible for the privacy practices and/or content of those websites.
Financial information is used solely to bill the user for products and/or services. All personal, credit card, and bank account information is transferred by separate institution (i.e. or SafePay) over secure SSL encrypted Internet connections and is not stored on Clickn'Putt servers.